One of the first tasks before Decatur personal injury attorneys is to correct misinformation that victims have about injury claims. Some common myths that they may dispel include:
I Have To Give A Recorded Statement
Decatur personal injury attorneys can explain that victims do not have to give a recorded statement in order for them to be compensated for the injuries that they sustained.
The Insurance Company Will Pay My Medical Bills
Some accident victims may believe that the insurance company has to pay their medical expenses as they are incurred. However, some insurance companies will wait until all of the bills have accrued. Others may deny coverage early in the process.
I Will Receive a Reasonable Settlement
Often insurance companies do not respond to a reasonable request for damages with a reasonable settlement offer. Often, they will deny settlement or only offer a low-ball offer until an attorney is involved.
An Insurance Company Will Pay My Bills
If a victim was injured in an accident, he or she may mistakenly believe that insurance will automatically pay for his or her property damage, lost wages and medical expenses. However, the coverage that is available depends on the actual terms of the insurance policy.
All Lawyers Are The Same
Accident victims may believe that any personal injury attorney can handle the job. However, each lawyer comes with their distinct experience, knowledge and skillset. Attorneys may also charge different rates.
To discuss these common myths and others, call Decatur personal injury attorneys from McCarthy Rowden & Baker.