Charleston personal injury lawyers who represent the defendant in accident cases may insist upon a physical examination. The scope of this examination will usually depend upon the injuries that the victim suffered and the damages that are being claimed.
Routine Practices
Charleston personal injury lawyers can explain that a defense medical examination begins with routine practices, such as checking your blood pressure and listening to your heart. Your reflexes may also be checked as part of this process. You may also be asked to complete certain tests that you may be familiar with, such as x-rays. However, be on the lookout for the doctor or technician asking you to come back on another day to undergo such tests or other tests. Your lawyer may advise you against agreeing to returning for more tests because such a request may be outside the scope of the medical examination request.
Waiver Forms
A doctor may ask you to sign a waiver form before undergoing the medical examination. There likely is not a valid reason to your benefit for signing such a form. Consult with your personal injury attorney before signing any waiver.
Remember that the defense is paying for the doctor. Therefore, the doctor may attempt to make further observations in order to assist the defendant. For example, the doctor or his or her staff may observe as you walk into the office and watch if you seem to experience any difficulty in removing clothing or following other instructions. Additionally, the physician may actively look for alternative causes for your injuries other than the accident.
For more information on such medical examinations, contact McCarthy Rowden & Baker.