Before you attend your deposition, your Champaign personal injury attorney will discuss this process and the importance of the event. This oral testimony can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of some cases.
General Facts
Your Champaign personal injury attorney will explain general information about depositions. For example, he or she will inform you that depositions are part of the discovery process. A court reporter records the testimony of the person being deposed, called the deponent. This testimony is taken under oath and the deponent signs an affidavit that states that the information is correct. If the deponent’s testimony during the deposition is different than that provided at trial, the opposing counsel can use this disparity to impeach the witness.
Your Champaign personal injury attorney can explain that a central purpose of having a person’s deposition taken is for the other side to learn how a witness or party will appear in front of a judge or jury. The defendant’s attorney will want to know if the plaintiff will be a good witness, will appear credible and will present well in front of the jury. Plaintiffs who are evasive, difficult to believe or unprepared will not seem as much of a threat and will reduce the value of their claim.
Your attorney may suggest that you take certain steps to make a better impression at your deposition. For example, he or she may recommend that you review the information in your complaint and interrogatories that you answered. He or she may recommend that you attend the deposition wearing something similar to what you would wear in court.
If you would like to learn about other ways you can improve your performance at a deposition, contact a Champaign personal injury lawyer from McCarthy Rowden & Baker at 800-373-6050.