Factors that Impact the Value of Your Injury Case

A Decatur Injury Lawyer on Factors that Can Affect the Value of Your Personal Injury Case

It is common to want to know how much your injury case is worth, and although it is true that each case is unique, there are some common factors that will have a direct impact on your claim’s value.

The Medical File On Your Case

Clearly the nature and extent of your injuries are a primary factor, but the manner in which the evidence is presented in your file can have a significant bearing on the settlement you may be offered. The more precise and detailed the information is, the more impactful. A specific narrative as opposed to broad generalizations add value to your case.

Who The Defendant Is

In the case where a defendant acted particularly egregiously, such as a drunk driver for example, your case value may rise. More typically, however, the party responsible for your damages is an average citizen who just made a mistake. Claims adjusters and jurors, if the case goes that far, typically tend to see less value in a case such as that.

Who The Insurance Company Is

Different insurers have different corporate policies when it comes to settlements. Some play hard ball from the beginning and push a high majority of cases to trial as a matter of course to send a message to other potential claimants. Other companies offer an opportunity for a rational and honest discourse on the relative merits and weaknesses of your case. Experienced counsel knows which insurers follow which policies and how best to approach each.

Contact A Decatur Injury Lawyer For Legal Advice

If you have been injured through the negligence of another, you likely have many questions. Find out the answers; call McCarthy, Rowden & Baker, a Decatur injury lawyer group, at 1-800-373-6050.