Champaign Personal Injury Attorneys Prepare Your For Your Defense Medical Examination

Champaign Personal Injury Attorneys

Your defense medical examination can be an important element of your Champaign Personal Injury Attorneys claim, so you want to be sure it proceeds smoothly. Keep the following tips in mind to prepare for it.

Set aside time

Arrive a few minutes before your appointment time to allow yourself the time to fill out forms completely. You don’t want to be rushed and possible omit important information. You should also expect that the examination may take a few hours, so don’t make other plans on the designated day.

Keep in mind the doctor is not getting his payment from you, so you may have to wait while he tends to his regular patients or addresses any emergencies that come up. During your wait, try to stay relaxed and avoid getting frustrated. It’s important to be in a calm mood so you are thinking clearly and answer the doctor’s questions in a calm and relaxed way.

Make transportation arrangements ahead of time.

If you need transportation assistance or help getting in and out of your car and to the doctor’s office, be sure to make arrangements ahead of time. You should tell your Champaign personal injury attorneys in advance. Should you need a taxi, hotel or other travel expenses, your attorney will ask the defense to cover these expenses, but this must be done prior to the examination. Afterwards, the defense won’t have the incentive to cooperate and pay up if requested.

Plan to have someone with you.

If you’d like to have a friend or family member with you during the exam, speak with your Champaign personal injury attorneys about this ahead of time so it can be arranged.

By following the tips above, you’ll ensure your defense medical exam proceeds smoothly. Call 800-373-6050 to speak with Champaign personal injury attorneys at McCarthy Rowden & Baker and protect your rights.