Decatur Personal Injury Attorneys
Victims of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) often consult our Decatur personal injury attorneys to recover compensation for their injuries. Our lawyers regularly take brain injury cases related to motor vehicle crashes, slip and fall accidents, assaults and blows from falling merchandise.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, brain injuries account for 2.5 million emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and deaths. Children and the elderly suffer from TBIs more frequently, but head trauma can happen to anyone.
Types of Brain Injuries
Medical experts have three classifications for head injuries. Mild TBIs, including concussions, generally resolve themselves with few neurological problems. Moderate and severe brain injuries are more likely to have lasting effects. Even if symptoms do not appear immediately, brain injuries can cause partial or permanent disabilities. Scientists are still working to determine what latent effects head injuries may have. They are also trying to understand why symptoms differ from person to person. Because the effects of concussions and severe injuries vary, these conditions are sometimes misdiagnosed or missed completely.
Localized Brain Injuries
Localized or focal injuries involve a specific part of the brain. Patients with localized injuries often display bleeding and bruising in one area. This can happen due to a blow on the head or a penetrating wound. Impacts can cause injuries at the site of the blow as well as the opposite side of the brain.
Widespread Brain Injuries
Widespread or diffuse brain injuries are generally caused by sudden acceleration or deceleration. Widespread TBIs are not associated with bleeding and outward symptoms. These closed-head injuries are more likely to be misdiagnosed. In car accidents, occupants frequently suffer localized and widespread brain injuries caused by a combination of whiplash and contact against the interior of the vehicle.
Acquired Brain Injuries
Unlike TBIs, acquired brain injuries are generally caused by exposure to toxins or oxygen deprivation rather than physical trauma. Common causes include asphyxia, birth injuries, exposure to lead and near-drowning accidents.
Brain Injury Symptoms
Brain injuries are often linked to behavioral issues, changes in motor skills, cognitive difficulties and sleep disturbance. Such injuries may impair the victim’s vision and hearing. People who have suffered TBIs often experience several of the following symptoms.
- Difficulty concentrating
- Memory loss
- Poor judgment
- Decision-making deficits
- Mood disturbance
- Poor coordination
- Difficulty balancing
- Muscle loss
- Hallucinations
- Sensitivity to light
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Chronic pain
Traumatic blows to the head can but do not always cause neurological damage. Here are the most common causes of brain injuries.
- Some 40 percent of TBIs are caused by falls, such as hitting your head on the floor after slipping.
- Traumatic blows cause 15 percent of head injuries. This includes hitting your head against something or being struck intentionally or by a falling object.
- An equal number of brain injuries are caused by car and truck accidents. Especially at high speeds, accidents cause localized and widespread brain injuries.
- Assaults cause 10 percent of head injuries. Surveillance cameras and witnesses are valuable in proving these cases.
- One-fifth of head injuries are caused by an unknown trauma.
Brain Injuries in Children
Children who have suffered brain injuries often have subtle symptoms that are difficult to diagnose. Critical brain injuries may even go unnoticed in infants. Children typically suffer brain injuries due to vehicle collisions, falls and accidents while playing. Physical abuse can also cause brain damage. Seek medical care following head trauma or if a child displays any of these symptoms.
- Irritability
- Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
- Disinterest in toys and fun activities
- Difficulty walking and balancing
- A decline in newly learned skills
- Unexplained vomiting
Brain Injury Lawsuits
If someone is responsible for causing your injuries, a Decatur personal injury lawyer can file a lawsuit to recover compensation. In Illinois, you have two years to begin a lawsuit for personal injuries. If your injuries weren’t apparent until several years after the accident, your attorney can determine if you are still eligible for compensation. Depending on how you were injured and who is responsible, you might be able to sue a negligent driver, the driver’s insurance company or the store where the slip and fall occurred. In a successful lawsuit, we can recover money for your medical bills, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, pain, and suffering.
Contact a Decatur Personal Injury Lawyer
We offer free consultations. If you can’t come to our office, we can arrange a meeting at a time and place that is convenient for you. To discuss your case with our experienced Decatur personal injury attorneys, call McCarthy, Rowden & Baker at 800-373-6050.