Assessing Permanent Impairments

Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers

If your injury amounts to a permanent one, your Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers in Champaign can explain how this determination can impact the value of your case. Additionally, your personal injury lawyer in Champaign may explain how these injuries may be assessed.

Reputable Assessment

First, your personal injury lawyer in Champaign will want to establish this information in a reputable fashion. Insurance carriers tend to doubt such an assessment from chiropractors or physicians who have not established credibility in the insurance claim community. While an opinion from a chiropractor may not be completely dismissed, your personal injury lawyer in Champaign may explain that this assessment is better if made by a osteopath, medical doctor, neurosurgeon or orthopedic specialist.

Percentage Points

Some assessments are made by using a percentage. For example, the permanent impairment assessment may indicate that an individual lost 50 percent of the use of his or her arm. Then, a personal injury lawyer in Champaign may multiply each percentage point by a certain figure, such as $1,000 or $2,000. In this example, the personal injury lawyer in Champaign would value the injury at $50,000 or $100,000.

Life Expectancy Computation

If no assessment of a permanent injury has been made but there is some indication that the injury might be somewhat permanent, the personal injury attorney in Champaign may use a smaller figure, like $500 for each decade of the remaining life expectancy of the client. In the previous example, this would result in an award of $1,500 if the client was expected to live another 30 years.

Additional Percentage

After making the aforementioned computations, a personal injury attorney in Champaign may add an additional percentage. For example, the personal injury attorney in Champaign may add 20 or 50 percent more in order to determine what he or she believes is an excellent but fair settlement figure. This additional percentage provides wiggle room for the attorney to negotiate a figure that is above the actual damages that are likely to result from the accident.

If you would like more information about the possibility of settling your claim, contact a personal injury lawyer in Champaign from McCarthy Rowden & Baker at 800-373-6050.